.Hello from the Executive Director.
Those humble, quiet, behind-the-scenes people
are the reason anything ever gets done.
~Terri Guillemets
Hello Bronco Families!
I would like to acknowledge the hard work of the Coburg Community Charter School PCS group and to extend our sincere thanks for all that you do! Last week, the staff was treated like royalty with treats, lunches, special cards, and words of appreciation. PCS volunteers decorated the staff room and made sure that every staff member felt the love. This happened while the same volunteers were also busy preparing for the PCS Annual Auction. We are grateful for all of the work going on behind the scenes to support our staff and students through the tireless efforts of this group and our amazing volunteers! Thank you! Thank you!
As most of you know, charter schools receive significantly less funding than traditional public schools. Without the help and support of our tireless volunteers, generous donors, and the willingness of our dedicated staff to work for salaries less than traditional schools offer, Coburg Community Charter School could not exist. It is a labor of love all the way around. We recognize more than ever the value of every individual on this team whether behind the scenes or in the building. The collaborative efforts of parents, staff, and students keep our momentum going. This sense of community which is the focus of our mission and vision allows CCCS to thrive.
The Annual CCCS Auction this Saturday provides a venue for us to support this amazing school. It also provides the opportunity for us to gather in celebration of the accomplishments that began with a small group of visionaries and grew into what it is today. Margaret Mead nailed it with these words, “Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.” It is an honor to be part of this small group of committed people.
We look forward to seeing many of you at the auction. If you are unable to attend, we hope to see you at an event or two before the school year ends!
Warm regards,
.General Information.
Monday, May 23- Board Meeting 6pm
Tuesday, May 24- Spring Spectacular
Monday, May 30- Memorial Day, NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 31- Dental Sealants
Spring Spectacular:
Spring Spectacular May 24th 6:00pm
We are pleased to present our Spring Spectacular, which includes music, comedy, dance and theater! Students Kindergarten through 5th grade will be a vocal ensemble, as well as theater elective students. For the first time this year, it is our great joy to invite families to join us for an outdoor performance!
Parking will be available in the baseball field and the middle school drive through area, please make space for the twilight bike race in the parking lot. Before the performance, please enter either through the gate near the cafeteria or the gate near the gaga ball pit. Late entry is through the cafeteria gate only please. Our stage will be on the blacktop area. To get the best seats, bring a blanket or your own folding chairs. There will be some folding chairs available.
Gates will open at 5:15. The K-5 Vocal Ensemble will meet in their classrooms at 5:25. Theater elective students will meet in the music room. K-2 students, please bring a towel that is ok to sit on. K-3 students will be dismissed to parents at intermission. K-3 families are welcome to stay and watch the rest of the show or leave at that time.
Theater elective students, please wear a solid color shirt, pants or leggings and simple shoes. Vocal ensemble students may dress up in clothing that is clean and modest.
Thank you! We are looking forward to shining our brightest and best!
2021-22 school year memories are yours to keep if you order a CCCS yearbook. You can order online at ybpay.com with yearbook code 14666122. Order your yearbook today!
Books to a good home:
The red cart at the front of the school is full of books we are giving away. Please feel free to go through them.
Lost & Found:
Please check the Lost and Found rack at the front of the school. Items are labeled with the date found and will be kept for 6 weeks. Items clearly labeled will be delivered to the students’ classroom.
Used books and DVDs will be for sale at the Arts and Starts sale for .25 cents, .50 cents or $1. Selection will include previous OBOB books, non-fiction books for all ages, and beginning reader books. Cash or check accepted.
.PCS Corner.
Hello from PCS (People for Coburg School), the school's parent group. Three things to know or help with this week….
Please sign up to volunteer - either set up in the morning (even if you’re not attending the event), or taking a shift during the event - we need your help!
If you ARE attending, an email with details was sent last Friday 5/6 from “People for Coburg School”. Another update with last minute reminders will be sent tomorrow or Friday. If you did not receive the first email, please make sure we have your email address by sending a note to PCS@coburgcharter.org, or checking with your table host.
If you’re UNABLE to attend and are able to donate, you can donate online http://paypal.me/coburgpcs or by dropping a check (labeled Bronco Bash) in the black mailbox in front of the school.
2. NEXT PCS MEETING: PCS will meet on Friday, May 20th at 8:15 am (in the cafeteria) to help with auction wrap-up and discuss the Jogathon and Book Fair on June 3rd.
3. THANKS again to alljst week!
Join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/coburgpcs. Other questions or comments? E-mail PCS@coburgcharter.org. Thank you!
.Community Corner.
Under the big top!
Culpepper & Merriweather Circus
Thursday, May 19, 5pm & 7:30pm
The Grange has provided FREE tickets to all students. If you would like to pick up your free tickets, please come to the office to pick them up!
Thank you to our volunteers of the past week, Heather, Rose, Donna, Stacey, Liz, Kelsey, Amanda, Elaine, Marilee, Karen, Katelyn, Jen & Melissa! You are SO appreciated!
We are in need of volunteers to help at our upcoming Encanto music performance on May 24! We need help in the days leading up to the event to set up (and shine up) the chairs and risers, the day of we'll need help with set up and tear down. If you can help out, please let us know asap by emailing Katie at community@coburgcharter.org
Food Boxes:
We are excited to announce a new program we’re rolling out with help from our friends over at the local Coburg Food Pantry! Starting May 13, each Friday we will put together a bag of food for your student to take home for your family. If your family could benefit from a little extra food over the weekend we would LOVE to help!
You don’t need to qualify for any certain thing to take a bag of food home…if it’s helpful for your family we want you to take one! If you know you want one, please email us back to let us know how many people you have at home so we can stock your bag appropriately. It’s also ok to just show up and grab one, but to make sure we have enough it's best to reserve yours.
The first bags will be given out Friday, May 13. They will be placed by the front doors with a label for family size.
We are so thankful the Coburg Food Pantry is helping us with this project! You can also check the info below to see if your family qualifies for the pantry (totally different from the bags that will be given out on Fridays.)
Family Size Monthly/Annual
1 $3398/$40,770
2 $4578/$54930
3 $5758/$69090
4 $6938/$83250
For each additional member, add $1180 per month or $14160 per year. For more information on the Coburg Food Pantry, call Peggy Wells at 541-345-6645 or Patty Yarr at 831-345-3866. The pantry is open every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month, 2-4pm.
Thank you to our May sponsor!
