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Bronco News 3-2-2022


.Hello from the Executive Director.

There cannot be a crisis next week.

My schedule is already full.

Hello CCCS Families,

As you know, our admin team participates in several weekly meetings to gain important pandemic updates from ODE, OHA, CDC, and Lane County Public Health specific to schools and our local community. We use this information as the foundation for every decision, policy, and protocol related to COVID-19 with the goal of keeping our classrooms open and our staff and students safe. Today, we heard some promising updates! Below, I am sharing some key points from the ODE meeting this morning.

As you read through this encouraging information, please keep in mind that although quarantine requirements have relaxed, isolation guidance has not. Because we are a small school and staff, we face a higher risk of reverting to distance learning if staff must isolate due to an outbreak. This is a risk that must be considered when determining the best course of action for everyone. It is a risk we do not take lightly knowing it can affect many families' home and work situations if it becomes necessary to make this shift. We are watching closely as the rates fall… one step closer to normalcy. It feels so nice to see an end in sight!

Here are links to two documents outlining the latest updates that were shared with school administrators today.

Latest updates:

1. Masks and Face Coverings: As of March 12th, California, Oregon, and Washington will be adopting new indoor mask policies and moving from mask requirements to mask recommendations in schools.

  1. CDC, OHA, and ODE strongly advise

    1. Universal use of face coverings in schools when county COVID-19 Community Levels are high. Lane County is currently in high level status.

    2. Physical distancing in all daily activities and instruction striving for at least 3 feet

      • If 3 feet distance is not possible, implement multiple prevention strategies to reduce risk of exposure (including face coverings)

    3. Maintain stable cohorts to the maximum extent possible

2. Quarantine and Contact Tracing (for individuals exposed to a positive case) Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease and could become infectious themselves to limit further spread of the disease.

  1. Schools will not be required to engage in contact tracing

  2. Schools should immediately notify parents and families about COVID-19 cases within the classroom/school.

  3. Individuals who are considered close contacts should watch closely for COVID-19 symptoms

    1. Primary Symptoms include cough, temperature of 100.4 or higher, chills, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, loss of taste or smell

    2. Non-primary Symptoms include fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea

3. Isolation (for individuals experiencing primary symptoms, presumed positive, testing positive) -Isolation separates people who have a contagious disease from people who are not sick.Isolation requirements remain the same: Individuals who had COVID-19 and had symptoms, should isolate for at least 5 days.

  1. To calculate the 5-day isolation period, day 0 is the first day of symptoms or a positive test result. Day 1 is the first full day after the symptoms developed or a positive test result

  2. Isolation may end after 5 full days if the individual is fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and other symptoms have improved

  3. Individuals should consider wearing a well-fitting mask around others at home and in public for 5 additional days (day 6 through day 10) after the end of the 5-day isolation period.

4. Diagnostic Testing: Because quarantine is no longer required in K-12 settings, regardless of vaccination status or implementation of universal masking, test to stay will shift from a form of modified quarantine to enhanced exposure testing.

  1. Students and staff may participate in or be offered COVID-19 rapid tests but are not required to if identified in as a potentially exposed individual

  2. Schools may offer enhanced exposure testing to individuals at increased risk of severe illness, e.g., cohorts which include medically fragile individuals.

  3. Screen Testing offered through U of O and OHA is still highly recommended

5. Emergency Declaration and Limited Liability Protection ends at the end of March

6. Vaccination requirements for schools remain the same. It is up to each school system to determine rules on vaccine status (booster requirements).

Current Oregon COVID Levels Map - Lane County is in the High Level

I hope this information helps with your understanding of the latest information impacting your child and our school. We will keep you posted as things change.

Have a wonderful evening!

Warm regards,



.Hello from the Dean of Student Services.

In the 90s and early 2000s, scientists Dunning and Kruger developed a model of learning that made them famous. After long studies and tests, they documented a psychological phenomenon: people of lower ability tend to overestimate their abilities in that area.

According to Dunning and Kruger, learning has four phases: (1) Unconscious incompetence, (2) conscious incompetence, (3) conscious competence, and (4) unconscious competence

Adults think confidence is important in children’s learning, but Dunning and Kruger’s research suggests that humility is an appropriate response while gaining knowledge. It is a part of the natural progression to face complexity and not over simplify things.

Learning involves the emerging ability to consider that you are wrong. (Most humans see the same thing in marriages, parenting, and human interaction.)

In his book Everything is Obvious *Once You Know the Answer (2011) Dr. Duncan Watts says humans use common sense to make sense of the world, but often make mistakes when they focus on what others are doing wrong.

Watts discusses how humans follow unconscious rules every day - social norms and customs - that are invisible to our eyes. Because we use common sense to solve our own problems, we tend to try to use the same thinking about other people. For example, news is something we try to comprehend with this common sense thinking. We try to understand and judge the facts we are seeing. But in doing so, people reflect on the behavior of others and not ourselves. We are applying that logic in circumstances that we are not inserted in.

Humility in learning - for both adults and children - may require considering that our thoughts or ideas don’t apply in every situation. In the classroom, this might mean being willing to listen to others. It might be openness to adults or to a different style of thinking.


Liz Bruno


.General Information.

Music Performance:

We would like to invite you to our baseball-themed performance on Thursday, March 10 This performance will be live-streamed and recorded. The Zoom link will be sent the day of the performance. The recording will be available 3/14. Students are allowed to wear a school-appropriate costume, i.e. clean, intact, modest clothing that fits with the theme of the performance.

Important Stats:

-Grades K-5 will be performing ensemble songs together from 2:15-2:30

-3rd-5th grade performance teams from 2:30-3:30 *If your student is in 3rd-5th grade, please note that pick up time for your student will be 3:35 on March 10th only*

We are excited to share our Bronco Spirit with you! If you have questions, or you would like access to the recording please email me, Olive DelSol -Music Director- at:


Friday, March 18- Clothing closet open from 11:45am-12:15pm

Student Leadership:

The student leadership team had taken on the task of repainting the bathrooms, but we need your help. If you have any spare paint that you could donate or if you’re able to volunteer to help us paint that would be great. Please contact Jen Moiser or Beth Monterrosa if you’re able to help. Thank you!

New Student Lottery Applications:

Siblings who are not currently enrolled but will apply to attend in the 2022/23 school year (as openings become available) must complete the Application for Lottery/Waitlist form. Forms received post lottery will be added to the waitlist. The online form can be found HERE or on our website by clicking on the school information tab and then the admissions ribbon. Applications are due by March 18, 2022 at 3:30pm.

EZ Texting:

You can sign up to receive emergency and weather-related text messages from the CCCS office by texting EZCCCS to 313131. You must sign up annually to maintain the service. Standard text rates apply.


.PCS Corner.

Hello from PCS (People for Coburg School), the school's parent group. Thank you so much to everyone who supported CCCS this past month through Tasty Tuesdays! Total $ raised coming soon. Four things to know or help out with this week….

  1. Bronco Bash on 5/14 - Volunteers & Donations Needed. On Saturday night, May 14th we’re bringing back our annual auction to raise needed funds for CCCS. This year will be at Shadow Hills Country Club with music, dancing and lots of social time to reconnect with (or finally meet!) other parents, staff, and community members. Please save the date. We also need your help: Please fill out this form if you can volunteer or have something you might be able to donate (e.g., a vacation home, gift cards, tickets, etc.) or contact our Chair, Jen Derby at Sponsorship opportunities will be on the PCS current event page soon. Thanks!

  2. Please Join Us - PCS Meeting this Friday 3/4 at 8:30 am on zoom: - Meeting ID: 895 2987 8617; Passcode: 454150.

  3. Ems Game 6/12! PCS has reserved a block of tickets at the Emeralds baseball game on Sunday, June 12th to get together for a fun community event. This week, green ticket order forms are coming home with students. Please return to the PCS mailbox in front of the school with your check (made out to “PCS”).

  4. Final Request: Spare paint to donate? Time to help paint? The student leadership team had taken on the task of repainting the bathrooms, but they need your help. If you have any spare paint that you could donate or if you’re able to volunteer to help us paint that would be great. Please contact Ms. Mosier ( if you’re able to help. And ask your student which bathroom theme they voted for!

Other questions or comments? E-mail Thank you!


.CCCS Board Corner.

Open enrollment for the Board of Directors of CCCS has begun. Interested persons should either email or ask in the school office for a board application. Dates for Open Board Enrollment are March 1-April 4, 2022.

The board is seeking passionate committed parents and community members to fill one vacant board seat. A typical board term is for 3 years. Of particular interest are those individuals who have experience and expertise in the areas of budget and finance as well as long term strategic planning. Governing a Charter School is a privilege and a responsibility that CCCS Board members take seriously. The success of any Charter School depends both on good governance and financial management of the Corporation.

Thank you for considering becoming part of our great Governance Team!

Open Board Enrollment March 1-April 4

Open Board Forum May 9

Board Vote before June 16 TBA


.Community Corner.

Tech it out!

Curious about what your students are up to during the day?! Follow CCCS on Facebook HERE and/or Instagram HERE

Volunteer Opportunity:

We are in need of volunteers to be Playground Pals! The main responsibility of this role would be to help with supervision during recess and lunch. If you are a fully cleared volunteer please consider signing HERE.

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

- Thank you to the parent volunteers who have been helping in the classrooms. We are Grateful to have things feeling a bit more normal around here!

Want to get involved? Email Katie at

- Thank you to PCS for providing gift cards to our pickelball champs!

Registration has opened for WV Coburg Girls on the Run (GOTR)!

GOTR is a program for girls in the 3rd -5th grade that encourages girls to recognize their individual strengths and celebrate connections with others through running and community with their peers.

Girls in the 3rd- 5th grade may register at anytime on the GOTR website: The season will begin March 28th and run 10 weeks. Practices will be held immediately after school at CCCS Mon/Wed.

See the flyer and website for additional information. If you have any questions regarding the program please contact Natalie Baumgartner by email:


Thank you to our March Sponsor, Ryan Thomas Construction!

Ryan Thomas Construction is a full service general contracting company performing all types of construction projects for both residential and commercial customers since 1996. Whether a remodel, addition or new construction, for business or home, we strive to provide the highest quality results to our customers through all phases of the project. Quality construction by qualified people with the experience to take your project from planning and dreams, to reality. We guide you through the process to make it an enjoyable one, giving you the confidence you should expect from your builder. Give us a call and schedule a consultation. We’d love to discuss your project with you and make another satisfied client.



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