.Hello from the Executive Director.
“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.” — Edith Sitwell
Hello Bronco Families,
Can you believe it’s already December?! I remember the staff conversation this time last year looking forward to the end of 2020 in the hopes and anticipation of a healthier, happier, more normal 2021. Well, here we are at the end of 2021 looking ahead to 2022. We have been through a lot together. The wisdom of age brings me comfort in knowing through experience that good times don’t last forever, but neither do rough times. I am not sure what to expect based on the last couple of years, but I believe good times are ahead!
This week is packed with excitement as our K-5 students shine bright in their winter performances. We are grateful for the creativity, patience, and guidance of Olive DelSol for undertaking this project with enthusiasm and joy. The singing voices in the hallways brightens every day. Thank you, Ms. DelSol!
We are also grateful for our two new teachers, Mr. Neto and Ms. Smith, and our newest educational assistant, Mrs. Johnsen! The additional support in the building allows us to reduce the adult to student ratio and provide differentiated support for students at their instructional levels. This additional help is making a big difference as we work through many of the challenges that came from a year in distance learning.
Although we don’t plan on letting him get too far from us, we will miss Mr. Rust’s help as an educational assistant in January. Best of luck to you, Mr. Rust! We appreciate all that you do for CCCS! Mr. Jon Russell will be added to our educational assistant team to step in for Mr. Rust. Welcome, to middle school and recess, Mr. Russell! Mr. Russells’ move to the EA position leaves a part-time custodial vacancy. If you know someone who might be interested in a part-time custodian job, please let us know and direct them to the Human Resources tab on our website for more information.
Whatever you celebrate in this winter holiday season, I hope you are surrounded by joy, love, and peace! The coming year is filled with promise, I just know it!
Warmest regards,
Lisa Jager
.Hello from the Dean of Student Services.
“There are two types of education. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live.”
This idea has been kicking around America for almost 100 years. Is education preparation for work? Or is it training for bigger goals? For leading a meaningful life?
These days, most people hope good schooling can teach a little of both. Still, there are increasingly challenges to create an education system that can change as quickly as jobs do. Former Secretary of Education Richard Riley noted that the top ten in-demand jobs in 2010, Riley tells us, did not yet exist in 2004. A 2016 report by the World Economic Forum predicted that at least 65% of children entering school will work in jobs that do not yet exist.
In response to these harrowing realities, many schools have focused on building the core skills that jobs require - attention to detail, cooperation, research skills, and so on. Students are taught how to learn, how to overcome challenges, and how to be creative - rather than just absorbing information.
Still, the question of an education that helps students learn “how to live” remains important. I first felt myself smacked by this question the first weeks of my daughter attending a Montessori pre-K program. On a bad day when she didn’t want to go to school, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be teaching her about “how to live.” Identify and share her feelings? Persevere?
Often times families are stuck feeling unequipped to know how to teach their children “to live,” often times out of humility and kindness. What could be more honest than to admit to your children that, as a parent, you too are just figuring things out?
Just like schools are learning to teach the skills rather than just focus on the content so students can adapt and change as the job market does, so too parents can focus on the skills of “how to live,” rather than just focus on getting the right answer the first time. How do you solve a problem when you don’t have ANY idea where to start? How do you overcome your own vices? How do you resolve conflicts?
Winter break is a great time to teach your children “how to live” by modeling the skills you yourself are still developing. What do you do when you’re not quite ready? When you’re too hard on yourself? When you need a friend to help you hope again? This is real human learning, and you can share it with your children - letting them see you as a real human. It can help them too.
Liz Bruno
.General Information.
EZ Texting:
You can sign up to receive emergency and weather-related text messages from the CCCS office by texting EZCCCS to 313131. You must sign up annually to maintain the service. Standard text rates apply.
December 20- January 3 Winter Break
Important Lunch News (December/January Lunch Menu Link)
Please return your lunch menu forms by tomorrow if your child(ren) will be having school lunch in January. It is very important that we know how many lunches to plan for in advance so Chef knows how much food to purchase for lunch everyday.
Our lunch program is very popular this year, which is great. What a tribute to Chef! However, many of the lunch sign ups are coming in late which makes planning difficult. Some students are bringing money on the exact day they want to eat. When several students do this on the same day, it creates a shortage of lunches.
Please help us make sure that all of our students get fed a healthy, nutritious lunch by returning the menus on time. We understand that emergency situations and unforeseen events happen once in a while and will make sure your child has something to eat if they are not signed up for lunch on a particular day. It may not be the lunch on the school menu, but we will provide something nutritious as an alternative in these cases.
Exclusion day will be fast approaching after the New Year. If you received a message from us requesting vaccination records, please make sure you get those in!
Lost and Found
Lost and found is overflowing! The bin is out front of the main entrance to the school, please come take a look before Winter Break.
Winter Performances
We are excited to announce K-5 winter performances! Ensembles are full class musical performances, while performance teams are small groups of 3-5th graders who have created their own acts, much like a variety show. All of our performances will be on Zoom, and recorded for replay. Links are coming soon! Without any further ado, here is the K-5 Winter Performance Schedule.
Performance Teams:
3rd grade performance Thursday 12/16 1:45-2:15
4th grade performance Tuesday 12/16 10:00-10:30
.Community Corner.
Holiday Market
We are needing some help this Saturday at the Coburg Holiday Market! We will be selling hot cocoa and treats from 11am-4pm in the IOOF building in downtown Coburg (the big white building on the right as you come to school.) And don't worry, you will be inside (warm & dry!) The sign up link is below. You must be 100% cleared to volunteer to help at this event. It's going to be a ton of fun to see so many of our students, families, and community members at this event. Right now we only have a couple of people signed up, and could really use your support to fill up the remaining spots! Feel free to email with any questions! Thank you! https://signup.com/mobileweb/2.0/vspot.html?activitykey=1079975218034#choose_event_page
Holiday Block Party
We are looking for a few parents who want to run some kid activities for the holiday block party in Coburg! We are in need of volunteers for 3 different activities. The block party is December 18, from 4-8pm. If you want to sign up, please email Katie at community@coburgcharter.org
Skills Days
Do you have a skill or talent that you think our students would like to learn? During Skills Days, we bring in different people to teach a 3 week long class (each class is one hour) on different topics. Some examples of skills days that we have had in the past are sewing, cooking, Spanish, art, health & wellness and wood working.
We are hoping to include an automotive class (learn how to change the oil and replace a flat tire) and some foreign languages in our upcoming sessions. If you are interested please contact Katie and community@coburgcharter.org
Playground Pals
Sign up HERE to help supervise k-8th grade during recess and lunch. Being a playground pal is a fun way to help students find friends to play with, problem solve and make sure our students stay safe while having fun at recess and/or lunch!
*You must be a fully cleared volunteer to sign up for a spot.*
.PCS Corner.
Lots of exciting 2022 updates to announce… look for the full PCS eNews being emailed later today!
.Information for 8th Grade Parents.
Information for 8th Grade Parents
Eugene International High School (Eugene IHS) is a choice school for students in grades nine through twelve offering a four-year interdisciplinary humanities curriculum focused on international studies. Students spend two class periods each school day in their IHS classes and the other three class periods in host school classes.
ANY student can enroll. All interested students must fill out an online 4J School Choice application, regardless of attendance area: www.4j.lane.edu/choice. The in-district deadline is January 31st.
IMPORTANT DATES for the 2021-2022 School Year:
January 1……Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for in-district students
January 31…..Deadline to submit in-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications
March 1………Online application period for 4J School Choice Lottery opens for out-of-district students
March 31……..Deadline to submit out-of-district 4J School Choice Lottery Applications
Immersion students will be enrolled in Eugene IHS without the lottery process because they entered immersion through the lottery in elementary or middle school. However, immersion students do need to submit the Eugene IHS Enrollment Form to the Eugene IHS office at South or Sheldon by the January 31st deadline. This form will be included in a special mailing to immersion families.
Eugene IHS will hold special 8th grade parent information nights:
Please join us on Zoom for any of the special information nights to learn more about our exciting school. The presentations will be the same on each night. Please attend any night you can.
South region
· Tuesday, January 11, 7:00 pm on Zoom (Includes French Immersion break-out session)
Churchill region
· Thursday, January 13, 7:00 pm on Zoom
Sheldon region
· Tuesday, January 18, 7:00 pm on Zoom (Includes Spanish Immersion break-out session)
*Spanish interpretation services provided at this meeting
Use this ZOOM link for all of the above sessions:
Meeting ID: 975 9743 6370 Passcode: 109060
In addition to the Spanish interpretation services mentioned above, we can also provide American Sign Language interpretation during any of these meetings. If you need ASL interpretation please contact one of our Eugene IHS office secretaries in advance and let us know.
If your student has an interest in the world, and wants to learn about other countries and cultures, we hope they will consider becoming part of our Eugene IHS family.
For more information contact one of the Eugene IHS offices below, or visit the Eugene IHS website at www.ihs.4j.lane.edu.
Eugene IHS @ Churchill: 541-790-5225
Eugene IHS @ Sheldon: 541-790-6636
Eugene IHS @ South Eugene: 541-790-8030