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Bronco News 11-17-2021


.Hello from the Executive Director.

“May the sun bring you new energy by day,

May the moon softly restore you by night,

May the rain wash away your worries,

May the breeze blow strength into your being,

May you walk gently through the world

and know its beauty all the days of your life”

-Apache Blessing

As this week comes to a close and we are near Thanksgiving, I am reminded of how thankful I am to work in a school among such talented, dedicated staff, be a part of our students’ education, and get to know the families who share their children with us.

Coburg Community Charter School is such an amazing place and that amazingness is evident during hard times as well as good times. The love, light and laughter that fills these halls is inspiring at the very least.

As a reminder, we will be holding parent/teacher conferences on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday of next week and then will be off in celebration of Thanksgiving on Thursday and Friday. We will see students back in class on Monday, November 29.

Please take a moment to review the suggested guidance regarding travel listed below and feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.

I wish you and your family much to be grateful for and a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!


Lisa Jager

To accommodate families following the CDC post-travel quarantine guidelines (7-10 days), staff will be preparing instructional packets for the students of families traveling during the November and December breaks. In order to give staff time to prepare these packets, November 12th will be a no-student day. The completion of packet work during the quarantine period will allow the school to claim attendance and maintain the student’s enrollment status. Instructional packets may be requested three days prior to your child(ren)'s absence.

Although the packets will provide your child meaningful learning experiences, in-person instruction is best for your child's academic growth. We know how important travel and the holiday season are to the mental well-being of our families and hope that this packet option will alleviate concerns held by families intending to travel and quarantine afterwards. However, due to the extra burden it places on the staff, we cannot offer packet work for students missing school for travel reasons outside of the November 22nd-26th and December 20th-Jan 1st breaks. If there is no emergency or medical reason for the 10 day absence, the enrollment space opens to the next student on the waiting list.

As a reminder, our recommendation to follow the CDC post-travel guidelines is not required, but we do continue to encourage families to be thoughtful and careful for the safety of all.


.Hello from the Dean of Student Services.

“Why did you do that?”

“I don’t know.”

Sometimes a child (or an adult) may not have an answer for what they did or said. Why did you use your iPad without getting permission? Why did you take your sister’s cookie? “I don’t know,” might be the most honest answer they can give.

Sometimes we think a child should understand why they took an action - and that they need to. In reality, self-understanding is quite difficult. Change is too. Humans change only when they have a way or a means to change. They do not change because they perfectly understand themselves.

“No” is a strong word, but “Yes” is an even more powerful and meaningful word. “No” is like a rock that is strong in its foreboding presence. But yes has all the strength of a river. Water is powerful because it can keep moving. It can work around obstacles. Rocks are weak because they cannot change. They cannot move. They cannot become something else. Strong humans are like water. They adapt.

Children must know what else they can do if they are going to adapt and change and grow.

If you don’t want a child to use their iPad, what else they can do? If they don’t know, they won’t be able to choose that action. We as adults know this is true. For example, it’s easier to add 5 vegetables to your daily eating habits than it is to cut out sugar entirely. Adding is easier than subtracting.

As adults, our job is to listen to a child’s actions and pay attention to what those actions are saying. Behavior is a kind of communication. If a child is not being heard or understood, they may choose bigger and bigger behaviors. Do they need fun? Do they need stimulation? Do they need care? Do they need to matter?

They may not understand what they need. We can listen to what we see and be detectives who help them get their needs met and - eventually - understand their actions.

When in doubt, help your children find the “yes.” They may not understand what they are doing - but they can start to take alternative actions when we help them see what else they can do.


Liz Bruno


.General Information.


November 22- 24 No school, Conferences

November 25-26 No school, Thanksgiving

November 26 No school, Thanksgiving Holiday

Staffing Update

If you are looking for a rewarding, part-time job at the school, we have an opening for an educational assistant. CCCS is a great place to work. Our team is pretty amazing, and our kids are the best! More information is available on our website at this link:

We are also looking for a long-term substitute and several intermittent substitutes. If you are interested, or know someone who might be interested, please let us know!

Library Cards

If you haven’t turned in your Eugene Library Application forms yet, please deliver them to the Eugene Library at this point instead of returning them to the school.


.Community Corner.

Thank you to our November sponsor, Coburg Crossing Café

Cooking fresh, hearty & homemade meals Since 1976, the Coburg Crossing Café has been family owned and operated for over 45 years. They strives to provide home style cooking and friendly service with breakfast, lunch and dinner options all day long. Food is prepared from scratch with the best in fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy. Located at 32910 Pearl Street in the city of Coburg, just off I5. Stop by Monday through Sunday from 6am-10pm including holidays!

Light Parade

CCCS is invited to participate in the Coburg Community Holiday Light Parade on Sunday, December 19 at 6:00 p.m. We are in search of a truck and trailer to decorate for the event. If you are willing to provide a truck and trailer for the school to decorate, please let Katie Brushett know at

Volunteer Opportunities

Performing Arts: Help students prepare for the winter concert by signing up to help facilitate class. Use THIS link to sign up to help with the following:

-watch a small group (10 or fewer) of students rehearse

-give helpful feedback on how their performance looks and sounds

-help navigate team dynamics

-be an extra support for students

Thank you so much! Your support of the very fun student opportunity is very much appreciated!

Playground Pals

Sign up HERE to help supervise k-8th grade during recess and lunch. Being a playground pal is a fun way to help students find friends to play with, problem solve and make sure our students stay safe while having fun at recess and/or lunch!

*You must be a fully cleared volunteer to sign up for a spot.*

PCS (People for Coburg School) helps volunteer and raise money for CCCS all year long (even in the summer!) This wonderful parent ran group is hoping to access the schools volunteer list. If you DO NOT wish for them to have your name and email address, please respond Katie Brushett by emailing to let us know by Tuesday, November 30.


.PCS Corner.

This week, look for the monthly PCS eNews with the latest updates, including: Read-A-Thon results & prize winners, Blue Bag Drive (happening now through 12/1), when the Clothing Closet is open next, and other upcoming activities. And mark your calendar for the next PCS meeting on Friday 12/3 after drop off: 8:15 am in the cafeteria. Thanks!


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