
Skills and Community Day Learning
Curriculum Details
English Language Arts - My View (K-5), My Perspectives (6-8th) Common Core aligned, comprehensive literacy curriculum.
Mathematics - Bridges Math (K-2nd), Math Expressions (3rd - 5th), Big Ideas Math (6th-8th) – Mastery in Math Skills
Social Studies/Core Knowledge – Sequenced Curriculum (language and literature, history and geography, visual arts, music and science).
Science - Simply Science (K-5) IQWST (6-8th) NGSS aligned
Social and Emotional Learning- Coburg Community Charter School primarily uses Character Strong curriculum to teach social and emotional learning. Mindfulness is taught in most classrooms as a tool for increasing attention and comprehension, regulating emotions, overcoming stress, improving adaptability, and building compassion.
Arts - visual arts are integrated in with core subjects in all classrooms, music is taught in grades K-5 and as an elective in 6-8th grades
Community and Skill Days –Community volunteers bring their unique expertise into the school. Students build real-life skills, knowledge of community resources, and are immersed in local heritage.